I am Radison Martina and I am 9 years old. My mother has never thought she would see me grown up. I am born at 11-11-1999. I was born after 26 weeks and 3 days. The doctors of the St. Clara Hospital and the Sophia Children’s Hospital decided to force my parturition because I had a heart disease and I lacked growing. Doctor Mr. van Stroppel of the Sophia Children’s Hospital suggested having surgery right away on my heart if not I would live. However, my mom refused to give her permission for this surgery at that time. She said she has carried me for 26 weeks and still felt that I was there. My heart came to a hold and has no beat anymore.
Doctors have given me CPA and gave me 24 hours to live. My mother however responded she believe God that gave her the baby will keep him alive. For over 5 years there was a lot of struggle and battle. Every month I went to the hospital. When I was 4 years I had to engulf 4 different kinds of medicine for my heart and blood. At a certain day, we met a woman with 2 kids. She told us she goes to church and I asked my mother if I could go with them, and my mother gave the permission then I went with them to the church. Jesus said in Math. 19:14 “ Let the children come onto Me.” So I went to the church and Pastor Ola told the congregation that there is somebody here with a special request for prayer to come to the front and so I did, I told Pastor Ola that I do not want to be sick anymore. I want to get healed so I can play and run like the other kids of my age, and I was prayed for and he told me that my mother should take me for a check-up because he believed that Jesus has healed me.
On July 24th, 2005 we went to the Hospital for a periodical review. This date my mother will never forget. Doctor Mr. van der Veen, cardiologist and doctor Mr. van Stroppel met my mother and told her that they do not understand what had happened and they told us I don’t need a heart surgery anymore. From that day I became a nickname “ Wonder kid”. Jesus has healed me. Amen. We give thanks to Sister Jani who we had met. God really exist and He still do miracles if only you believe in Him and give your life to Jesus. He can do a miracle for you as well. Amen.
Raidison Martina